Red orchestra 2 rising storm digital deluxe steam
Red orchestra 2 rising storm digital deluxe steam

Unmatched accuracy and attention to detail, as well as clear and ruthless battles in multiplayer and single modes will give players a chance to feel any type of battles, from fast and violent shootings to complex, tight tactical game modes. The game gives a chance to experience one of the most severe battles in the history of mankind. The plot of Heroes of Stalingrad mainly affects the Battle of Stalingrad and deals with its operation by both Germans and Russian soldiers from July 1942 to February 1943. Stunning graphics and sound along with the engine Unreal Engine 3, as well as new features and sustained realism create a terrific tactical shooter, which has no equal.


Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad - the leading tactical multiplayer shooter about World War II on PC, which carries the famous series of the Red Orchestra in a series of new generation of games.

  • Two new characters for Killing Floor - performers roles of Russian and German soldiers.
  • Hats of the Russian and German soldier in Team Fortress 2 ("Higher test", if pre-order was issued).
  • Unlocking elite assault gun (MKb 42 (H) and AVT-40) and semi-automatic sniper weapons (SVT-40 and G41 (W)) on the first day.
  • Type of publication: Steam Gift (present) / RU / CISĪTTENTION! This product is intended for use only in the following countries: Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Moldova, Republic of Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. If you want to give this gift to someone else - just copy and mail the bought link to it in any convenient way, DO NOT GO ON IT. Attention! This gift can be accepted only in the library.

    Red orchestra 2 rising storm digital deluxe steam